About Merge company
In the Beginning.....
In early February 2017, an informal conversation between two proactive mothers of young children discussed the importance of NZSL in education and the benefits that would come from NZSL being exposed early in schools, organisations, businesses and media. The name and concept of Merge NZ social enterprise was born. It was the first step in a journey that will see NZSL use a normality in New Zealand - taught and respected as much as our other two official languages (English and Te Reo, Māori).
A merge between NZSL and English.
A merge between Deaf and hearing.
A merge between Deaf culture
and hearing communities.
Merge's Values, Vision & Mission Statement
Vision: "Normalise New Zealand Sign Language"
Mission: New Zealand Sign Language: Promotion, Development and Services
Merge Core Values:
-We are passionate about the growth and preservation of Sign Language
- We are creative, energetic & proactive
- Our journeys are navigated by Deaf culture
Our philosophy ensures any projects would be led, created and developed by our Deaf professionals to strengthen leadership and independence.
Our Deaf-led company will market and promote NZSL and Deaf culture in most parts of New Zealand thus ensuring the promotion and preservation of our unique language.
Merge NZ contributes to the development of NZSL teaching curriculum / resources to support children and adults learning NZSL and Deaf culture as well support NZSL training programme for NZSL tutors. We research and develop appropriate materials and deliver courses and presentations.
Merge NZ team transparently works with other Deaf/NZSL-related organisations and individuals to make our vision a reality.
Our company's our vision is not limited to our company- it belongs to the Deaf community. Our responsibility to our Deaf community and NZSL as a language leads us in all we do, its our passion and our privilege.