In 2024, Merge NZ received funding from the NZSL Board to set up 5 NZSL Clubs across the country. After lots of planning, coordination, and promotion from our Merge Mahi team, we are pleased to announce that all 5 clubs have officially launched.
The first clubs began on Monday 10 February in Christchurch and Napier, and were followed by meet-ups in Wellington, Tauranga, and Auckland. Led by pairs of Deaf and hearing facilitators, these clubs gave NZSL learners of all levels a fun, social space to practise their signing through fun games and activities.
The largest turn-out was in Napier, where 16 participants met at the Napier Deaf Society club rooms. Attendees came from a range of backgrounds, including families, Communication/Education Support Workers, and Advisers on Deaf Children.
In Christchurch, two attendees attended the NZSL Club at the local pub Fox & Ferrett. Their facilitators joined them in communication games, with the hope that attendance will grow in the future.
The third club to start was in Wellington at the Tawa Community Centre. The five participants made a great effort to communicate fully in NZSL, and the event was an overall success.
Tauranga’s NZSL Club took place on Thursday evening, with five enthusiastic participants using their signing skills for a range of fun activities. Their facilitators created a relaxed environment where students could practice NZSL together.
The final NZSL Club was in Auckland, using the space at Kelston Community Hub to meet other students and improve their signing skills. Five attendees came along and had a good time, and we are expecting the number of participants to grow.
We are pleased to have received such positive feedback about this initiative. Thank you to the New Zealand Sign Language Board for funding these clubs!
If you would like to get involved with your local NZSL club, please visit: www.mergenz.co.nz/nzslclub
If there is an NZSL Club established in your area that is not listed on our website, please contact us. For a small fee, we can offer you support and resources.
Janine Campbell
Learning & Development Co-ordinator
Email: training@mergenz.co.nz